Currency Converter · Suriname Dollar (SRD) to Myanma Kyat (MMK)

The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Suriname dollar (SRD) to Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) (MMK).

  • 1 SRD = 59.78 MMK
  • 5 SRD = 298.90 MMK
  • 10 SRD = 597.80 MMK
  • 20 SRD = 1,195.60 MMK
  • 25 SRD = 1,494.49 MMK
  • 50 SRD = 2,988.99 MMK
  • 100 SRD = 5,977.98 MMK
  • 200 SRD = 11,955.95 MMK
  • 250 SRD = 14,944.94 MMK
  • 500 SRD = 29,889.89 MMK
  • 1,000 SRD = 59,779.77 MMK
  • 2,000 SRD = 119,559.55 MMK
  • 2,500 SRD = 149,449.44 MMK
  • 3,500 SRD = 209,229.21 MMK
  • 5,000 SRD = 298,898.87 MMK
  • 100 MMK = 1.67 SRD
  • 200 MMK = 3.35 SRD
  • 500 MMK = 8.36 SRD
  • 1,000 MMK = 16.73 SRD
  • 2,000 MMK = 33.46 SRD
  • 5,000 MMK = 83.64 SRD
  • 6,000 MMK = 100.37 SRD
  • 10,000 MMK = 167.28 SRD
  • 20,000 MMK = 334.56 SRD
  • 30,000 MMK = 501.84 SRD
  • 50,000 MMK = 836.40 SRD
  • 100,000 MMK = 1,672.81 SRD
  • 500,000 MMK = 8,364.03 SRD
  • 1,000,000 MMK = 16,728.07 SRD
  • 5,000,000 MMK = 83,640.33 SRD

Link to SRD/MMK page

300 SRD in MMK

Popular SRD pairs

Suriname dollar

The Suriname dollar (SRD) is the currency of Suriname. The currency code is SRD and currency symbol is $. The Suriname dollar is subdivided into 100 cents (singular: cent; symbol: ¢ or c). Frequently used Suriname dollar coins are in denominations of 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, 100¢, 250¢. Frequently used Suriname dollar banknotes are in denominations of $1, $2½, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100.

Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat)

The Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) (MMK) is the currency of Myanmar (Burma). The currency code is MMK and currency symbol is K (singular or plural) or Ks (plural). The Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) is subdivided into 100 pyas (singular: pya). Frequently used Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) coins are in denominations of K1, K5, K10, K50, K100, 1 pya, 5 pyas, 10 pyas, 25 pyas, 50 pyas. Frequently used Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) banknotes are in denominations of K1, K5, K10, K20, K50, K100, K200, K500, K1000, K5000, K10000, 50 pyas.