Currency Converter · Vietnamese Dong (VND) to Polish Złoty (PLN)

The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Vietnamese dong (VND) to Polish zloty (PLN).

  • 100 VND = 0.02 PLN
  • 500 VND = 0.08 PLN
  • 1,000 VND = 0.16 PLN
  • 5,000 VND = 0.80 PLN
  • 10,000 VND = 1.60 PLN
  • 20,000 VND = 3.20 PLN
  • 50,000 VND = 7.99 PLN
  • 80,000 VND = 12.79 PLN
  • 100,000 VND = 15.99 PLN
  • 200,000 VND = 31.97 PLN
  • 500,000 VND = 79.93 PLN
  • 1,000,000 VND = 159.87 PLN
  • 2,000,000 VND = 319.74 PLN
  • 5,000,000 VND = 799.35 PLN
  • 10,000,000 VND = 1,598.70 PLN
  • 1 PLN = 6,255.09 VND
  • 2 PLN = 12,510.18 VND
  • 3 PLN = 18,765.27 VND
  • 5 PLN = 31,275.44 VND
  • 10 PLN = 62,550.89 VND
  • 20 PLN = 125,101.77 VND
  • 25 PLN = 156,377.22 VND
  • 50 PLN = 312,754.43 VND
  • 100 PLN = 625,508.87 VND
  • 200 PLN = 1,251,017.74 VND
  • 250 PLN = 1,563,772.17 VND
  • 300 PLN = 1,876,526.60 VND
  • 500 PLN = 3,127,544.34 VND
  • 600 PLN = 3,753,053.21 VND
  • 1,000 PLN = 6,255,088.68 VND

Link to VND/PLN page

300 VND in PLN

Popular VND pairs

Vietnamese dong

The Vietnamese dong (VND) is the currency of Vietnam. The currency code is VND and currency symbol is ₫. The Vietnamese dong is subdivided into 10 hào (not in circulation) or 100 xu (not in circulation). Frequently used Vietnamese dong coins are in denominations of 200 ₫, 500 ₫, 1000 ₫, 2000 ₫, 5000 ₫. Frequently used Vietnamese dong banknotes are in denominations of 100 ₫, 200 ₫, 500 ₫, 1000 ₫, 2000 ₫, 5000 ₫, 10000 ₫, 20000 ₫, 500000 ₫.

Polish zloty

The Polish zloty (PLN) is the currency of Poland. The currency code is PLN and currency symbol is Zł. The Polish zlity is subdivided into 100 grosze (singular: grosz; symbol: gr). Frequently used Polish zlity coins are in denominations of 1 zł, 2 zł, 5 zł, 1 gr, 2 gr, 5 gr, 10 gr, 20 gr, 50 gr. Frequently used Polish zlity banknotes are in denominations of 10 zł, 20 zł, 50 zł, 100 zł, 200 zł.