Currency Converter · North Korean Won (KPW) to Myanma Kyat (MMK)

The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of North Korean won (KPW) to Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) (MMK).

  • 1 KPW = 21.75 MMK
  • 5 KPW = 108.77 MMK
  • 10 KPW = 217.54 MMK
  • 20 KPW = 435.08 MMK
  • 25 KPW = 543.85 MMK
  • 50 KPW = 1,087.70 MMK
  • 100 KPW = 2,175.40 MMK
  • 200 KPW = 4,350.81 MMK
  • 250 KPW = 5,438.51 MMK
  • 500 KPW = 10,877.01 MMK
  • 1,000 KPW = 21,754.03 MMK
  • 2,000 KPW = 43,508.06 MMK
  • 2,500 KPW = 54,385.07 MMK
  • 3,500 KPW = 76,139.10 MMK
  • 5,000 KPW = 108,770.14 MMK
  • 100 MMK = 4.60 KPW
  • 200 MMK = 9.19 KPW
  • 500 MMK = 22.98 KPW
  • 1,000 MMK = 45.97 KPW
  • 2,000 MMK = 91.94 KPW
  • 5,000 MMK = 229.84 KPW
  • 6,000 MMK = 275.81 KPW
  • 10,000 MMK = 459.68 KPW
  • 20,000 MMK = 919.37 KPW
  • 30,000 MMK = 1,379.05 KPW
  • 50,000 MMK = 2,298.42 KPW
  • 100,000 MMK = 4,596.85 KPW
  • 500,000 MMK = 22,984.25 KPW
  • 1,000,000 MMK = 45,968.50 KPW
  • 5,000,000 MMK = 229,842.49 KPW

Link to KPW/MMK page

300 KPW in MMK

Popular KPW pairs

North Korean won

The North Korean won (KPW) is the currency of North Korea. The currency code is KPW and currency symbol is ₩. The North Korean won is subdivided into 100 chon (전/錢). Frequently used North Korean won coins are in denominations of ₩1, 1 chon, 5 chon, 10 chon, 50 chon. Frequently used North Korean won banknotes are in denominations of ₩5, ₩10, ₩50, ₩100, ₩200, ₩500, ₩1000, ₩2000, ₩5000.

Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat)

The Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) (MMK) is the currency of Myanmar (Burma). The currency code is MMK and currency symbol is K (singular or plural) or Ks (plural). The Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) is subdivided into 100 pyas (singular: pya). Frequently used Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) coins are in denominations of K1, K5, K10, K50, K100, 1 pya, 5 pyas, 10 pyas, 25 pyas, 50 pyas. Frequently used Myanmar kyat (Burmese kyat) banknotes are in denominations of K1, K5, K10, K20, K50, K100, K200, K500, K1000, K5000, K10000, 50 pyas.