Currency Converter · Bulgarian Lev (BGN) to Bosnia And Herzegovina Convertible Mark (BAM)

The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Bulgarian lev (BGN) to Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (BAM).

  • 10 BGN = 10.00 BAM
  • 50 BGN = 50.00 BAM
  • 100 BGN = 100.00 BAM
  • 200 BGN = 200.00 BAM
  • 250 BGN = 250.00 BAM
  • 500 BGN = 500.00 BAM
  • 1,000 BGN = 1,000.00 BAM
  • 2,000 BGN = 2,000.00 BAM
  • 2,500 BGN = 2,500.00 BAM
  • 5,000 BGN = 5,000.00 BAM
  • 10,000 BGN = 10,000.00 BAM
  • 20,000 BGN = 20,000.00 BAM
  • 25,000 BGN = 25,000.00 BAM
  • 50,000 BGN = 50,000.00 BAM
  • 100,000 BGN = 100,000.00 BAM
  • 1 BAM = 1.00 BGN
  • 5 BAM = 5.00 BGN
  • 10 BAM = 10.00 BGN
  • 20 BAM = 20.00 BGN
  • 50 BAM = 50.00 BGN
  • 100 BAM = 100.00 BGN
  • 200 BAM = 200.00 BGN
  • 250 BAM = 250.00 BGN
  • 500 BAM = 500.00 BGN
  • 1,000 BAM = 1,000.00 BGN
  • 2,000 BAM = 2,000.00 BGN
  • 2,500 BAM = 2,500.00 BGN
  • 5,000 BAM = 5,000.00 BGN
  • 10,000 BAM = 10,000.00 BGN
  • 50,000 BAM = 50,000.00 BGN

Link to BGN/BAM page

300 BGN in BAM

Popular BGN pairs

Bulgarian lev

The Bulgarian lev (BGN) is the currency of Bulgaria. The currency code is BGN and currency symbol is лв . The Bulgarian lev is subdivided into 100 stotinki (singular: stotinka, symbol: стотинки). Plural of lev is leva. Frequently used Bulgarian lev coins are in denominations of 1 lev, 1 stotinka, 2 stotinki, 5 stotinki, 10 stotinki, 20 stotinki, 50 stotinki. Frequently used Bulgarian lev banknotes are in denominations of 2 leva, 5 leva, 10 leva, 20 leva, 50 leva, 100 leva.

Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark

The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (BAM) is the currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The currency code is BAM and currency symbol is KM. The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark is subdivided into 100 feninga (singular: fening). Frequently used Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark coins are in denomination of 1 KM, 2 KM, 5 KM, 5 feninga, 10 f feninga, 20 feninga, 50 feninga. Frequently used Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark banknotes are in denominations of 10 KM, 20 KM, 50 KM, 100 KM, 200 KM.