
Basic facts about Vanuatu

Country name: Vanuatu
Capital: Port Vila
Country code: 430
Continent: Australia-Oceania
Currency name: Vanuatu vatu
Independence: 1980-07-30 00:00:00
Independent from: from France and the UK
Total area (km2): 12,189
Land area (km2): 12,189
Water area (km2): 0
Population: 261,565
Population note: 261,565 (July 2013 est.)
Official language: BislamaFrenchEnglish
All languages: local languages (more than 100) 72.6%, pidgin (known as Bislama or Bichelama - official) 23.1%, English (official) 1.9%, French (official) 1.4%, other 0.3%, unspecified 0.7% (1999 Census)
Time zone: VUT (Vanuatu Time) (UTC+11)
Date format:
Drive on: right
Calling code: +678
Domain: .vu