
Basic facts about Togo

Country name: Togo
Capital: Lomé
Country code: 405
Continent: Africa
Currency name: West African CFA franc
Independence: 1960-04-27 00:00:00
Independent from: from French-administered UN trusteeship
Total area (km2): 56,785
Land area (km2): 54,385
Water area (km2): 2,400
Population: 7,154,237
Population note: 7,154,237 (July 2013 est.)
Official language: French
All languages: French (official, the language of commerce), Ewe and Mina (the two major African languages in the south), Kabye (sometimes spelled Kabiye) and Dagomba (the two major African languages in the north)
Time zone: GMT (UTC+0)
Date format:
Drive on: right
Calling code: +228
Domain: .tg