
Basic facts about Russia

Country name: Russia
Capital: Moscow
Country code: 379
Continent: Central Asia
Currency name: Russian rouble
Independence: 1991-08-24 00:00:00
Independent from: 24 August 1991 from the Soviet Union; notable earlier dates: 1157 Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal created; 16 January 1547 Tsardom of Muscovy established; 22 October 1721 Russian Empire proclaimed; 30 December 1922 Soviet Union established
Total area (km2): 17,098,242
Land area (km2): 16,377,742
Water area (km2): 720,500
Population: 142,500,482
Population note: 142,500,482 (July 2013 est.)
Official language: Russian
All languages: Russian (official), many minority languages
Time zone: (UTC+3 to +12)
Date format:
Drive on: right
Calling code: +7