
Basic facts about Mexico

Country name: Mexico
Capital: Mexico City
Country code: 343
Continent: North America
Currency name: Mexican peso
Independence: 1810-09-16 00:00:00
Independent from: 16 September 1810 declared; 27 September 1821 recognized by Spain
Total area (km2): 1,964,375
Land area (km2): 1,943,945
Water area (km2): 20,430
Population: 116,220,947
Population note: 116,220,947 (July 2013 est.)
Official language: Spanish
All languages: Spanish only 92.7%, Spanish and indigenous languages 5.7%, indigenous only 0.8%, unspecified 0.8% note: indigenous languages include various Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional languages (2005)
Time zone: Time in Mexico (UTC−8 to −6) - Summer (DST) varies (UTC−7 to −5)
Date format:
Drive on: right
Calling code: +52
Domain: .mx