
Basic facts about Guatemala

Country name: Guatemala
Capital: Guatemala City
Country code: 280
Continent: Central America and Caribbean
Currency name: Guatemalan quetzal
Independence: 1821-09-15 00:00:00
Independent from: from Spain
Total area (km2): 108,889
Land area (km2): 107,159
Water area (km2): 1,730
Population: 14,373,472
Population note: 14,373,472 (July 2013 est.)
Official language: Spanish
All languages: Spanish (official) 60%, Amerindian languages 40% note: there are 23 officially recognized Amerindian languages, including Quiche, Cakchiquel, Kekchi, Mam, Garifuna, and Xinca
Time zone: CST (UTC−6)
Date format:
Drive on: right
Calling code: +502
Domain: .gt